Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Things happen fast when you're an AB

Now to see how quickly I'll be shipping out since I'll be going as an Able Seaman instead of the entry level Ordinary Seaman. I've been doing what I can to get moved under this detailer, he moves fast and doesn't play around, guess it helps he's a 2nd Mate so he knows the sailing aspect of our work. I've also heard that pay is also retro active to the issue date on the Coast Guard documentation, so all of this month should be at the base AB rate (which is 50% more then the base OS pay).

If I had to venture a guess, I'll be probably working out of the Persian Gulf region for a while. Once I become a permanate employee (beyond my 1 year probationary period) I'll see about pushing through my coastal transfer to the West Coast operations.

I could be seeing orders for leaving as soon as this friday but more then likely no later then next friday. Guess it's time to get my laundry done and mostly repacked since they're only required to give us a minimum of 4 hours notification before heading for a ship.

Off to the post office, wonder how many more times this box can hold up being shipped back and forth to my friend in south carolina. If I don't head out until next week, will be another small box of books I'll be sending him, he's on a reading kick as well. Oh, forgot to mention that, for the last two weeks I've been reading at least one novel a day and the local borders book store doesn't have the first in a handful series of books I've been recommended that I might enjoy.


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